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Birthday Candy Land Art
  • Category: Education
  • Country: Canada

Birthday Candy Land Art ✌.ʕʘ‿ʘʔ.✌ Hey, I'm Laura and I make drawing and coloring videos for children. On my channel you'll find hand drawn/vector art that is painted with watercolor and markers. My recent videos have more of an animated style since I started experimenting with Adobe After Effects. My channel started out creating unboxing and surprise toy video for kids, but later evolved into art. I love art and illustrating and have really enjoyed making creative videos. I've taken time away since my channel was impacted by the changes on the YouTube platform, however I hope to upload more videos soon! (✿◠‿◠) Laura 💜 Subscribe to BirthdayCandyLand and watch in 4k💜►

coloring drawing art painting watercolor for kids birthdaycandyland art birthday candyland colouring pages for kids color

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Recent uploads from Birthday Candy Land Art

I love cake 🎂🍰♥️ how to draw a birthday cake and color it 🥳 Birthday Candy Land Art 🎨♥️
25 June 2023
star + glitter icecream with painted cone 🍦💗 Birthday Candy Land Art 💗
14 June 2023
no! drawing and painting a summer ice cream - part 2/2🍦🩷 Birthday Candy Land Art 🩷
4 June 2023
yes! drawing and painting a summer ice cream - part 1/2🍦🩷 Birthday Candy Land Art 🩷
4 June 2023
magic drawing glitter cakes 🎂🍰 coloring pages for kids - part 11 - ⭐ BIRTHDAY Candy Land Art ⭐
23 May 2023
magic drawing glitter cakes 🎂🍰 coloring pages for kids - part 10 - ⭐ BIRTHDAY Candy Land Art ⭐
23 May 2023
magic drawing glitter cakes 🎂🍰 coloring pages for kids - part 9 - ⭐ BIRTHDAY Candy Land Art ⭐
22 May 2023
magic drawing glitter cakes 🎂🍰 coloring pages for kids - part 8 - ⭐ BIRTHDAY Candy Land Art ⭐
22 May 2023
magic drawing glitter cakes 🎂🍰 coloring pages for kids - part 7 - ⭐ BIRTHDAY Candy Land Art ⭐
22 May 2023
magic drawing glitter cakes 🎂🍰 coloring pages for kids - part 6 - ⭐ BIRTHDAY Candy Land Art ⭐
22 May 2023

Birthday Candy Land Art Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does Birthday Candy Land Art have?
Birthday Candy Land Art has 532.0K subscribers. Birthday Candy Land Art has had 299.3M total views.
How many views does Birthday Candy Land Art get per video?
Birthday Candy Land Art gets 285.8K views per episode on average. Birthday Candy Land Art has published 1.0K videos.
How can I subscribe to the Birthday Candy Land Art YouTube channel?
You can visit the Birthday Candy Land Art YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Birthday Candy Land Art mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Birthday Candy Land Art belong to?
Birthday Candy Land Art belongs to the Education category, and the creators are from Canada.

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