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In today's video, I find live animals in pet store dumpsters! I started off by exploring a dumpster behind a fish store and immediately I found a box full of fish... luckily they were all still alive so I added them into a bucket and I kept going! I then found another box that was full of more fish, axolotls, crawfish, and eels! After saving all of the fish from the first dumpster I moved onto the next one that was behind a fish store that sells rare fish! I started my search through all of the trash and eventually I found a bunch of live fish including arownas, pufferfish, sturgeon, and albino redtail catfish! After that things got even crazier and I found more bags of man-eating catfish! However all of these fish were running out of oxygen so I quickly added them into a bucket and I moved onto the next dumpster that was behind a saltwater fish store! I started my search through all of the garbage and I managed to find a box full of crazy sea creatures! Inside was some clownfish, shrimp, and mystery fish! But it didn't stop there, right after that I found another box full of moray eels, sea urchins, and starfish! So far we have saved so many fish, but now it was time to explore a reptile store dumpster so who knows what we're gonna find! I jumped in and it didn't take me long to find my first animal which was a leopard gecko... As I kept going I found pacman frogs, tarantulas, crabs, turtles, and even snakes! After saving all of the animals I could, I moved onto the last dumpster of the video which was behind an asian food market! This was by far the grossest dumpster, but after some searching I found a bag full of live shrimp! But that was just the beginning because next I found live bullfrogs, blue crabs, eels, and even lobsters! Should I make a part 2 saving more animals from dumpsters?
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In today’s video, I find the deadliest animals on the dark web and my goal is to buy them to keep as my new pets! I started by converting an abandoned pet store I bought into a crazy animal room filled with all types of enclosures! I then started my search on the dark web and I came across a saltwater fish mystery box that could contain sharks, eels, stingrays, and even octopuses! After a few days the package arrived and it was full of sea creatures including clownfish, seahorses, stonefish, lobsters, and starfish! After adding them into their aquarium I received our next animal off the dark web, which was an alien frog! They are called pipa pipa frogs and they are some of the rarest frogs in the world! I added them into their enclosure and I continued searching the dark web for more crazy animals! The next animal was by far the coolest one so far, it was a 3 foot long land crab! So, I placed the order and I set up the biggest enclosure I could for him! After a couple weeks it finally arrived and it was the biggest crab i’ve ever seen with claws the size of my hand… But this was just the beginning, and we had a lot more deadly animals to go! Next, I ordered the most dangerous snake I could find called an emerald tree boa! These snakes have super long teeth and are known for being super aggressive! After almost getting bit I got him into his enclosure, and I moved onto the next animal! Now while the snake was scary this next animal was even scarier! It was a goliath bird-eater tarantula, the biggest spider in the world! Now so far we haven’t been scammed on the dark web, but that was about to change… The next animal I ordered was a frilled dragon, but sadly it never arrived. I then found the rarest animal so far which was an albino snapping turtle for $3,000! Thankfully it arrived and I was able to add him into his new home… After that I bought dinosaur lizard mystery box, and inside was a caiman lizard, an asian water monitor, and a panther chameleon! I added them all into their own enclosures and I kept searching the dark web! I then came across an elephant trunk snake which is a fully aquatic snake that gets 10ft long! But there was still a ton of empty enclosures that we needed to fill, so I bought an insect mystery box that was filled with the craziest bugs on the planet! We found African giant millipedes, whip scorpions, monster beetles, scorpions, praying mantis, and a deadly vinegaroon that can shoot acid out of its body! However these next animals were the deadliest ones so far… They were poison dart frogs which can kill you if you touch them! So I carefully added them into their new home and I kept searching through the dark web! Next I stumbled upon a website that was selling a mata mata turtle for $800! These are some of the craziest looking turtles in the world so I knew I had to buy it! After weeks of waiting it finally arrived and I was able to put him into his aquarium! Now, there was only 2 more aquariums left to fill so I ordered the craziest animals I could find to put inside of them! In the first box was a baby octopus, one of the smartest creatures in the world! This was by far the coolest animal so far, but we still had more to go! Next was another deadly venomous fish called the scorpion fish! This fish is extremely venomous and is a master of camouflage, I carefully added him into the aquarium but it was still looking pretty empty so I opened up the last package and I found a real life shark inside! It was called a horned shark and only gets 4ft long so it will be the perfect pet shark! All together we bought so many rare and deadly animals, but there was still some empty enclosures so comment below what I should buy next!
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In today’s video, I combine all of my videos of finding monsters in 2024 into one giant movie! We found axolotls, sharks, alligators, snakes, deadly fish, and some of the rarest animals in the world in this video… So join me on this adventure as we explore abandoned ponds, sewers, abandoned pools, and even pet stores filled with monsters!
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In today’s video, I find an abandoned axolotl farm that is filled with axolotls, fish, turtles, frogs, and much more that were left here to die! So, my mission is to explore the entire farm to hopefully save all the animals! I started by netting around in a pond and immediately I caught some axolotls! But as I kept going I ended up finding albino axolotls which are alot
more rare! After that I kept netting around and I managed to catch a golden axolotl, one of the rarest in the world! I then came across a pond that was filled with crazy fish, including flowerhorns, lungfish, catfish, pufferfish, eels, freshwater sharks, and much more! But things didn’t stop there, I kept going and I started catching more axolotls, and even some baby turtles! But sadly, what I found next was a shattered fish tank filled with dead fish and axolotls… So now we have to hurry because these animals don’t have a lot of time left! I kept exploring and I managed to catch some angelfish, betta fish, and a monster albino axolotl! Things were starting to get crazy and I found a pond loaded with colorful crawfish, including orange ones, blue ones, and even white ones! I kept exploring the farm when suddenly I came across some monster fish including an albino lungfish, oscars, arowanas, and much more! But then I came across the deadliest animal so far… It was a mata mata turtle, one of the rarest turtles in the world! After exploring the rest of the farm and catching more axolotls, and albino frogs, it was now time to explore the two massive ponds filled with axolotls! So I places a fish trap in one of them and I started netting around in the other… Immediately I caught some of the biggest axolotls iv ever seen, including black ones, golden ones, and albino ones! But after a while it was now time to check the fish trap and I managed to catch a ton of axolotls, which means we successfully saved all of the animals from the abandoned farm!
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In todays video I catch the monster that has been attacking fish in an abandoned pond! It all started after finding a bunch of dead fish, so I started exploring the pond to try to find out what's causing this so I can catch it out and remove it! But it's not gonna be easy because the pond is infested with alligators, snakes, giant turtles, and deadly fish! I started out by netting around and immediately I caught rare catfish, eels, baby turtles, frogs, and a ton of mysterious alien fish! I kept going and managed to catch out the first monster, which was a giant snake! As I kept going I realized that this pond was full of a ton of crazy fish and I would need to catch them all out in order to save them... After a few more nets I caught venomous lionfish, mudskippers, salamanders, and a bunch more fish! But then I came across yet another snake which I was able to catch out and remove! I kept going and I started catching a ton of monster fish including piranhas, bichirs, pufferfish, sturgeon, freshwater dolphins, and ! After that I made a shocking discovery when I caught an abba abba knife fish which is one of the deadliest fish in the world! But then I realized if I want to find out what the monster is I would need to get in the pond, so I jumped in and immediately I caught giant freshwater sharks, redtail catfish, and even another abba abba knife fish! As I kept going deeper into the pond, something big attacked me which ended up being a monster soft-shell turtle! After removing it I was almost positive I caught out the monster that has been eating all of the fish, but as I got back in the pond I spotted an alligator! I quickly got out of the pond and I then decided to place a couple fish traps to hopefully save the rest of the fish and remove the monster! After letting them soak overnight, it was time to check the traps and they were loaded with fish! It was now time to check the biggest fish trap and I finally ended up catching the alligator which I relocated to a nearby creek! If you want me to come back to save the rest of the fish leave a like!
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In today’s video, I explore 3 secret ponds to hopefully catch whatever monsters are living inside of them! But it’s not gonna be easy, because each pond has different types of fish living in them! The first pond holds rare fish, the second one is home to monster fish, and the third and final pond is home to dangerous and deadly fish! So, I started my search in the first pond and immediately I caught some extremely rare fish including sturgeon, arowanas, eels, catfish, albino turtles, and more! But there was still a ton of fish in the pond so I kept going and I found some pufferfish, freshwater flounder, a man-eating catfish, and a bunch of rare mystery fish! I then came across the craziest animal so far, which was a Fly River turtle! It was now time to move onto the second pond filled with monster fish, and right away I caught freshwater sharks, redtail catfish, ripsaw catfish, piranhas, and much more! After catching all of the fish out of the second pond, I moved onto the last one… I started things off by checking a fish trap I set earlier that day, and I caught a ton of goonch catfish, and vampire fish! I then started netting around and I caught an extremely rare platinum goonch catfish! But that wasn’t the craziest fish in the pond, I kept going and I caught the biggest goonch catfish I’ve ever seen! I then ended things off by adding some of the fish into my brand new backyard pond! Should we do another video like this?
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In today’s video, I find an abandoned pet store that is filled with fish, lizards, snakes, frogs, turtles, and a ton of other animals that need to be saved! So, my mission is to explore the entire store and rescue as many animals as possible! I started by netting around in a pond, and I caught a bunch of fish including catfish, cichlids, freshwater sharks, and a bunch of other rare fish! But as I kept going I started finding crazier and crazier fish including mudskippers, eels, and man-eating catfish! After that we kept going and I found some crazy reptiles including blue tongue skinks, bearded dragons, and a bunch of snakes! We also came across a bunch of frogs and chameleons! Then suddenly, we found some deadly animals like a monster tarantula, and a scorpion which we had to carefully catch out while avoiding being bit because they are extremely venomous! We kept going and I spotted a snake skin, meaning one of the snakes had escaped! So I looked around, and I spotted a monster python in the ceiling! After removing it we continued exploring, and I found more tree frogs, lizards, tortoises, and a bunch of crazy snakes! I then came across some more tanks that were filled with more rare fish, turtles, and axolotls! After exploring the entire first pet store, I headed to the second building where they keep the most dangerous animals! Right away, I found a bunch of deadly scorpions, tarantulas, centipedes, and snakes! After carefully removing all of them, I discovered a massive python inside of the last tub, which we caught out! And now that we saved all of the animals, it’s now my mission to find them all new homes! Comment below which ones we should keep!
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In today’s video, I saved dying animals from a sewer! Since the water in the sewer is toxic, the fish, turtles, frogs, and snakes have less than 24 hours left to live… So, I started netting around to see what all I can catch! Right away I caught a turtle and a bunch of fish including cichlids, catfish, knife fish, and a ton of mystery fish! But as I kept exploring the sewer I started catching more than just fish… I caught baby turtles, crabs, colorful crawfish, and a giant bullfrog! But then suddenly I pulled up an empty turtle shell, which means the animals are dying in the sewer, and could have even less time than I thought. So, I kept netting and I caught more animals including rare fish, a monster frog, and even some snakes! But since my net wasn’t big enough to catch some of the bigger animals, I had to crawl into the sewer to save the rest! So, I got in and immediately I caught a bunch more turtles including a monster snapping turtle! I then decided to place a couple fish traps and leave them overnight to hopefully catch the rest of the fish out! After a few hours it was time to pull up the traps, and immediately i spotted a snake! After I removed the snake from the trap I pulled out a ton of crazy fish including more cichlids, oscar’s, catfish, and more mysterious fish! I then relocated all the animals we saved to my backyard ponds and aquariums! Do you think I should do a part 2?
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In todays video I find axolotls in an abandoned pond, along with a ton of crazy fish, snakes, and turtles! After getting a message from a subscriber saying they couldn’t take care of them anymore, they asked me to come save them! So, I started netting around in the shallow end and I caught some axolotls, dolphin fish, freshwater sharks, cichlids, eels, and much more! But as I kept going I started finding weirder and weirder creatures like pipa pipa frogs, knife fish, and other alien fish… I then decided to explore deeper into the pond and that’s when I started catching monster fish like catfish, arowanas, redtail catfish, pufferfish, and huge axolotls! But there wasn’t just big axolotls, there was also babies which we caught tons of! And as we kept going things got even crazier… We caught albino turtles, snakes, a mata mata turtle, vampire fish, and monster blue crawfish! But when I finally reached the deepest part of the pond I was attacked by something big! So I decided to place my fish traps in the pond to hopefully catch what it was! While we let the fish traps sit we started exploring the area the albino axolotls live, and we caught tons of them including 2 monster ones! It was then time to check the fish traps and we caught tons of mystery fish! We brought everything we caught back to my house and added them to my backyard ponds and aquariums! Should we do a part 2?
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In today’s video, I find a sewer full of monsters and my goal is to catch as many as possible! But there’s one problem, it’s in the middle of the Florida everglades where it’s INFESTED with alligators, snakes, and other deadly creatures! I started netting around and immediately started catching rare fish including african cichlids, knife fish, catfish, and more! I then caught a turtle with a giant leech attached to him, so I removed it and let him go! I kept exploring the sewer and I found more mysterious fish, colorful crawfish, and eels! But as I kept netting I started finding more rare creatures including freshwater crabs, and dangerous parasites called lampreys! I then started exploring the other side of the sewer and right away I caught an alligator! We let him go, and continued to catch more exotic fish including a lungfish! It was now time to place my fish traps so I baited them up and sent them down. We waited a few hours before checking them, and when we did we found albino plecos, cichlids, eels, and catfish! But we didn’t stop there, we then went to an abandoned spillway that connects to the sewer and we placed our traps and let them sit there overnight! When we checked them we discovered snakes, alligators, and a ton of crazy fish! We brought back all of the fish we caught and put them into my backyard ponds! Should we go back for a part 2?
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