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banen stars
  • Category: How to and Style
  • Country: United Arab Emirates

Hello everyone :) My name is Banen, I am 20 years old, and here you will see various videos such as pranks, challenges, cooking, makeup and many other things! On my channel I share with you a lot of time from my life and days, also things that I love such as food, fashion, anime, Kpop :) JAPAN and more. I love you all so much and I hope you'll enjoy my videos as much as I enjoy making them :) For business inquiries contact : [email protected] هاي للكل! اسمي بنين و عمري 20 سنة و هون ح تشوفو كتير فيديوهات متنوعة متل مقالب و تحديات وطبخ و مكياج وكتير كمان! بقناتي بشارك معكم كتير من وقتي و حياتي وايامي و الاشياء الي بحبها مثل الاكل و الفاشن و الانمي و ال كيبوب و الياباننننن بحبكن كتير كتير وبتمنى انكم بتحبو فيديوهاتي متل ما انا بحب انو اصنعها! للتواصل :[email protected]

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banen stars Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does banen stars have?
banen stars has 7.2M subscribers. banen stars has had 482.8M total views.
How many views does banen stars get per video?
banen stars gets 2.0M views per episode on average. banen stars has published 246 videos.
How can I subscribe to the banen stars YouTube channel?
You can visit the banen stars YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when banen stars mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does banen stars belong to?
banen stars belongs to the How to and Style category, and the creators are from United Arab Emirates.

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