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🇹🇿 In the Rift Valley in Tanzania live a tribe whose way of life is unchanged in 50,000 years. They are called the Hadzabi and they still live in the same way most of mankind did in the stone age, by hunting and gathering on the African plains. Along with my friend @TimmyKarter I set off in search of the tribe to learn about their way of life. Join me on an adventure to the dawn of man...
Check out the latest blog posts and stories at http://mrbaldandbankrupt.com
Instagram: realbaldandbankrupt.com
Use my link http://protonvpn.com/baldandbankrupt to get 64% off Proton VPN and start browsing securely from anywhere.
🇲🇩 Five years ago I made my most popular video which showed just how run down the capital city of little visited Moldova was. Well it's time to go back and see what has changed in the former Soviet state. Is it better? Is it worse? How are the babushkas? Join me and find out!
Check out my website: http://mrbaldandbankrupt.com for my ebook
instagram: realbaldandbankrupt
You can support my channel by buying my book here: http://mrbaldandbankrupt.com
🇸🇾 For over a decade there were rumours coming out of Syria of prisons where torture and executions were common place. Men, women and children all arrested on often trumped up charges and left in overcrowded cells to face uncertain but terrifying futures. I went to investigate.
Book a tour with Rami at http://syrianguides.com
Instagram @realbaldandbankrupt
Buy my book here: http://mrbaldandbankrupt.com
🇸🇾 With the recent and sudden collapse of the Syrian regime I headed back to the country, this time without a visa to cross the border illegally and explore the country post-Assad along with my friend and guide Rami where we uncovered some crimes including a narco factory that exported dr*gs all over the Middle East. Join me on a revolutionary adventure!
If you'd like an amazing tour with Rami in Syria, then please contact him through his website:
Instagram: @realbaldandbankrupt
Use my link http://protonvpn.com/baldandbankrupt to get 64% off Proton VPN and start browsing securely from anywhere.
🇨🇳China...what is the truth? Some say it is the future, a utopian world. Some say it is the opposite, a total dystopia where the buildings crumble in your very hands and food is cooked in oil strained from the gutters. I finally got my visa and went to investigate, and what I found surprised me. Maybe it will surprise you too.
Three of the clips in the beginning are used under YouTube's fair use policy. They were taken from the YouTube channels: Cool Vision and Living In China. Please check them both out.
Instagram @realbaldandbankrupt
Check out @BackpackerBen who was with me on the trip too.
Use my link https://bit.ly/Bald_and_Bankrupt to start a 14-day free trial and enjoy all the amazing features MyHeritage has to offer.
🇰ðŸ‡In 1975 the Khmer Rouge rolled in to Phnom Penh to begin four years of brutal oppression in Cambodia. Although there were eventually defeated by the Vietnamese in 1979, Pol Pot and his army never went away completely. Hanging on in a northern village until the 1990s. I went to investigate and meet their descendants.
Don't forget to check @BackpackerBen channel for his version of the trip.
Buy my book about becoming a YouTuber here
🇮🇳India, it's a bit mental isn't it! I returned to there country after six years away to see how it had progressed ( or not ). Join me in the most frustrating place to travel in the world. Warning: Do not attempt to do this trip yourself unless you are a professional traveller and you're ready to offend a lot of people....
Instagram: @realbaldandbankrupt
Check out @BackpackerBen for his side of the story.
🇷🇼Buy a DNA kit here: https://bit.ly/baldandbankrupt Use the coupon code Bald for free shipping.
As an added bonus, you can start a 30-day free trial of MyHeritage's best subscription for family history research.
🇷🇼Ever since Britain began sending its illegal migrants to Rwanda I’ve wanted to go and see what the country was all about. Were they being sent to a third world hell hole or is Rwanda in fact quite alright? Watch and find out. Oh, and who the flipping heck is Paul Kagame?!
Insta: @realbaldandbankrupt
Check out Ben’s version of the trip @BackpackerBen
🇺🇬 Part Two: Well I left the capital city of Kampala and headed south on a long journey across Uganda where I eventually found a bus station which doubled as a flashy watch market and also a place where locals introduce you to women to marry. Unfortunately nobody wanted. Join me...
🇺🇬 Regarding raising money for the school. I will post about it on my Instagram @realbaldandbankrupt when Ben releases his video about the school next Monday. If anyone wants to throw $5 in it will be appreciated by those little shoeless future porridge drinkers.
Check out @BackpackerBen for his version of events and what happened when I left him in the hotel.
Instagram for all the behind the scenes photos and stories from trips is @realbaldandbankrupt
Buy my book about becoming a YouTuber here:
🇺🇬 Part One: Whilst visiting Kampala, the capital city of Uganda I took a visit to the central market and met a collective of guys who look after an area called the Bermuda Triangle. They took me on a tour and explained exactly what happens when thieves are caught. Mob justice Uganda style. Join me in the ghetto.
Instagram: @realbaldandbankrupt
Check out @BackpackerBen who also filmed his trip with me and invited me to Africa
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