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  • Category: Science and Technology
  • Country: Australia

I Am Ed, I make videos documenting my weekend hobby engineering/scrap metal recycling work. My Interests Include Gas And Diesel Engines, Electronics, TV and Audio, High voltage and HVAC Scrap, PC gaming, classic and new, (Half-Life, Doom II, Fallout, etc) and heavy metal music!. I have a Tenancy to Destroy that which is not useful or repairable, or simply disobeys me. so be sure to watch my motor/appliance destruction videos if you are into stress testing things to the MAX!

Welding Lathe Compressor HVAC Scrap Salvage AC Engine high Voltage

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How many subscribers does Aussie50 have?
Aussie50 has 120.0K subscribers. Aussie50 has had 79.9M total views.
How many views does Aussie50 get per video?
Aussie50 gets 37.9K views per episode on average. Aussie50 has published 2.1K videos.
How can I subscribe to the Aussie50 YouTube channel?
You can visit the Aussie50 YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Aussie50 mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Aussie50 belong to?
Aussie50 belongs to the Science and Technology category, and the creators are from Australia.

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