Want to be a member of Aunty Donna? Broden Kelly, Zachary Ruane, and Mark Samual Bonanno can teach you how. The Aunty Donna Masterclass will teach you how to become one of the biggest comedy trios... based out of Melbourne... in the world.
"You will never walk into a JB Hifi again and pay full price" - Broden Kelly
"Anyone can be funny, so long as they are naturally talented at that" - Zachary Ruane
"Everybody has an Aunty Donna living inside of them" - Mark Samual Bonanno
Watch the seven-part AUNTY DONNA MASTERCLASS series at the Aunty Donna Club powered by Patreon now: https://bit.ly/AuntyDonnaClub
Part 1: Aunty Donna Foundations
Part 2: Being the Straight Man
Part 3: Creating Characters
Part 4: The Schrödinger Equation
Part 5: Handling Fame
Part 6: Silly Boy
Part 7: Next Steps
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AUNTY DONNA PODCAST: everywhere you listen to pods
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Looking for advice on love, romance, and the art of seduction? Well look no further! Mr Sexy and Dr Love share their 'Top 9 Love Tips and Tricks' on the Aunty Donna Podcast.
Join THE AUNTY DONNA CLUB powered by Patreon to watch full episodes of the Aunty Donna Podcast every week + loads of bonus content: https://bit.ly/AuntyDonnaClub
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SPOTIFY: http://bit.ly/AuntyDonnaBoys
AUNTY DONNA PODCAST: everywhere you listen to pods
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Mark has had 'a fall'. Now Broden and Zach must make a tough decision...
Did you know that every year lots of sketch comedians fall over a shoe? At Aunty Donna, we believe that's lots too many. That's why we're committed to raising awareness for footwear related sketch comedy injuries. We have not donated any money to this cause. And we ask that you too do not give generously to this cause. Instead, help us raise awareness by sharing this video and using the hashtag #maintainasafeperimeteraroundshoesonthefloor. Together, we can end *footwear related sketch comedy injuries.
*Footwear related sketch comedy injuries refers to trips, falls, spills, wobbles, and tumbles. Footwear related sketch comedy injuries occurring as a result of ill-fitting footwear such as blisters are excluded.
JOIN OUR PATREON: https://bit.ly/AuntyDonnaClub
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WATCH AUNTY DONNA'S COFFEE CAFE: bit.ly/watchcoffeecafe
TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@auntydonna
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theauntydonnagallery/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TheAuntyDonna
X: https://twitter.com/AuntyDonnaBoys
SPOTIFY: http://bit.ly/AuntyDonnaBoys
AUNTY DONNA PODCAST: everywhere you listen to pods
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Join the Aunty Donna Club powered by Patreon for bonus content https://bit.ly/AuntyDonnaClub
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Join the Aunty Donna Club powered by Patreon for bonus content https://bit.ly/AuntyDonnaClub
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Join the Aunty Donna Club powered by Patreon for bonus content https://bit.ly/AuntyDonnaClub
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Counting down the TOP 5 moments from The Aunty Donna Podcast 2024 - as voted by our listeners/watchers!
00:00 - 05:43: No. 5 - The 'Man With the Hands' bit from Ep 407 - The Morning After The Aunty Donna Awards Show (Nonverbal Episode)
05:43 - 12:03: No. 4 - The 'Detecting the Detector Inspector' bit from Ep 395 - Detector Inspector
12:03 - 16:58: No. 3 - The 'Wet Hog' bit from Ep 424 - Melt Man & Belly Malt
16:58 - 23:35: No. 2 - The 'Chicken in a Bag' bit from Eps 386, 387, and 390 - New Theme Song (Feat. Tom) Parts 1 to 3
23:35 - 29:22: No. 1 - The 'More Than Friends' bit from Ep 411 - Four Men Who Are Just Friends Writing Music With Hans Zimmer Feat. Tom
Join THE AUNTY DONNA CLUB powered by Patreon to watch full episodes of the Aunty Donna Podcast + loads of bonus content https://bit.ly/AuntyDonnaClub
JOIN OUR PATREON: https://bit.ly/AuntyDonnaClub
BUY MERCH: https://bit.ly/AuntyDonnaMerch
WATCH AUNTY DONNA'S COFFEE CAFE: bit.ly/watchcoffeecafe
TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@auntydonna
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theauntydonnagallery/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TheAuntyDonna
X: https://twitter.com/AuntyDonnaBoys
SPOTIFY: http://bit.ly/AuntyDonnaBoys
AUNTY DONNA PODCAST: everywhere you listen to pods
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Join the Aunty Donna Club powered by Patreon for bonus content https://bit.ly/AuntyDonnaClub
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Join the Aunty Donna Club powered by Patreon for bonus content https://bit.ly/AuntyDonnaClub
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