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With the return of the perfect workout series, I am updating the perfect biceps workout to give you the best biceps workout you can do. The biggest difference is that I am giving you not just one, but two perfect biceps workouts for you to try that are not just randomly thrown together, but are based on science.
While this perfect biceps workout is based on science, that doesn’t mean it is simply married to the latest research fads that everyone is jumping behind and throwing all other techniques out the window for. Instead, it’s going to be based on anatomy, biomechanics, as well as some of the newer research.
Now, the perfect biceps workout based on science should consist of exercises not just for the short head and long head of the biceps, but the brachialis as well. That said, even that doesn’t make the biceps workout complete. In order to round your arms with a well rounded, perfect workout, you need to fill in the gaps of what is lacking on those popular biceps exercises and put science into your training.
We also know, thanks to science, that hitting the biceps twice in a week is going to be better than once a week, which means that we can include more opportunities for different ways to hit the biceps as well as shortening the workouts so that you can attack another muscle group in the same day.
Take note, however, that this perfect biceps workout is designed to either compliment the perfect back workout on the same day, or can be utilized as a standalone workout on its own.
So what the perfect biceps workout look like?
Perfect Biceps Workout 1:
1. Barbell Strict Curl = Cheat Curls: 2-3 x 6-8 FF
- Once you reach failure on the strict curl, simply step away from the wall and allow for some cheat reps with a controlled eccentric lowering. Once you start performing the cheat curl, continue cheating the bar up until you’ve reach eccentric failure.
- This mechanical drop set is a great way to overload tension in the biceps. Performing them in this fashion will allow you train not just to failure, but through failure as well, which we know is a great stimulus for growth.
2. DB Cross Body Hammer Curls: 2-3 x 8-10
- This exercise makes use of a fully pronated forearm on each rep. Remember, supination is a key function of the biceps, so by pronating, we are taking the biceps out of the exercise as much as possible in order to target the brachialis effectively.
- The brachialis is the muscle in the upper arm that is most responsible for the width of the upper arm when viewed from the front. In order to have perfect biceps, you need to train your brachialis as well.
3. Cable Stretch Drag Curls: 2-3 x 10-12 + Partials
- We know that the stretch tension on a muscle is a great stimulus for growth and we can achieve that on the biceps by making sure the arms are back behind the torso.
- This exercise is great for not just getting stretch on the biceps, but for building the long head of the biceps in the process. Remember, the long head is responsible for the biceps peak or the height of the biceps.
- Once failure is reached, continue to eke out a few more partial reps as we know that partial reps after reaching failure will produce more growth.
4. Mentzer Pulldowns (Trap Set): 1 x Failure
- Finish the workout with what Mike Mentzer called the most effective biceps exercise you can possibly do. To add to the effectiveness of this exercise, we can apply more tension to biceps by performing them in a Trap Set.
- A Trap Set mimics a trapezoid in that the time spent performing each rep escalates to 5 seconds on the concentric and 5 seconds on the eccentric, repeats for 5 and 5 again, before descending back down to 1 second per portion of the lift.
Watch the video for the second perfect biceps workout as it will round out the training you will need to do to completely hit the biceps over the course of the week and reach the ideal amount of frequency / volume.
Here are the relevant studies used to build this perfect bicep workout:
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27102172/
- https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6950543
- https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/abstract/2022/02000/muscle_failure_promotes_greater_muscle_hypertrophy.8.aspx
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/380851058_Resistance_training_beyond_momentary_failure_The_effects_of_lengthened_supersets_on_muscle_hypertrophy_in_the_gastrocnemius
- https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9935664
The PERFECT Biceps Workout - http://athleanx.com/x/perfect-biceps-workout-2025
Subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
If you are looking for a step-by-step workout program with a meal plan included, be sure to head over to athleanx.com and use the program selector to find the program that best matches your current training goal and ability levels.
For more videos on building muscle, make sure to subscribe to this channel here on YouTube and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.
If you sit all day, especially in an office setting, you know that your hip flexors are getting tight from your sitting position. If this is you, then I have the greatest hip flexor stretch of all time that will start to loosen them up. This one is a game changer and will not only have you feeling amazing, but it’s a stretch that I do every day, myself.
Having tight hip flexors is a chronic problem for people that sit all day when they are working. In oder to stretch the hip flexors, you will want to get into a lunge position to start with one knee on the ground. From here, push your hips forward to feel the stretch on the hip flexors on the back leg. While doing this, put your hands behind your head and rotate your torso to the side of your forward leg.
For more stretching routines and muscle building tips, be sure to stay tuned to this channel and remember to subscribe so you never miss another video from a physical therapist with a pro sports background as a PT and strength coach.
You can subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
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For complete step-by-step workout programs, head on over to athleanx.com and make sure to use the program selector to find the training plan that is best suited to your personal goals.
Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
With the return of the perfect workout series, I am updating the perfect triceps workout to give you the best triceps workout you can do. The biggest difference is that I am giving you not Justine, but two perfect triceps workouts for you to try that are not just randomly thrown together, but are based on science.
While this perfect triceps workout is based on science, that doesn’t mean it is simply married to the latest research fads that everyone is jumping behind and throwing all other techniques out the window for. Instead, it’s going to be based on anatomy, biomechanics, as well as some of the newer research.
The PERFECT Triceps Workout - http://athleanx.com/x/perfect-triceps-workout-2025
Subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
Now, the perfect triceps workout based on science should consist of exercises not just for the medial and lateral heads of the triceps, but the long head of the triceps as well. That said, even that doesn’t make the triceps workout complete. In order to round your arms with a well rounded, perfect workout, you need to fill in the gaps of what is lacking on those popular triceps exercises and put science into your training.
The perfect triceps workout needs to take into account the importance of both the lengthened and contracted position of the triceps, especially of the long head. So, we will be utilizing exercises that explore the long head of the triceps being in its most shortened, contracted position and its lengthened, stretch position.
We also know, thanks to science, that hitting the triceps twice in a week is likely better than once a week, giving you different ways to hit the triceps as well as shortening the workouts so that you can attack another muscle group in the same day.
Take note, however, that this perfect triceps workout is designed to either compliment the perfect chest workout on the same day, or can be utilized as a standalone workout on its own.
So what the perfect triceps workout look like?
Perfect Triceps Workout 1:
1. Triceps Pushdowns: 2-3 x 6-8 FF
- This is meant to overload the triceps, especially in the lateral and medial heads, since your arms will not be traveling behind your body.
- Keep this weight heavy, but do your best not to turn this into a jackhammer pushdown. This exercise is meant to hit the triceps, not the shoulders and lower chest.
2. Lying DB Extensions: 2-3 x 8-10 + Eccentric Only Reps
- Once you reach concentric failure, simply cheat the dumbbells back to your chest, press them up and then slowly lower them behind your head until you reach eccentric failure where you cannot control the weights going back anymore
- Using dumbbells instead of an EZ-curl bar is important in order to complete the eccentric only reps, as it will be much harder to cheat the bar up without hitting the back of your head in the process.
3. DB/Cable Triceps Kickbacks: 2-3 x 10-12 + Partials
- One of the most underrated triceps exercises, especially for the long head of the triceps. This is because very few exercises actually allow for the long head to achieve its fully contracted position with the arm behind the body.
- You can use dumbbells or cables depending on what you have access to. It is worth noting that the cable version of this exercise has a slightly different resistance curve than the dumbbell version.
- Once failure is reached, continue to eke out a few more partial reps as we know that partial reps after reaching failure will produce more growth.
4. Cobra Pushups: 1 x Failure
- Finish the workout with this bodyweight burnout exercise in order to gain better command of your body in space.
Watch the video for the second perfect triceps workout as it will round out the training you will need to do to completely hit the muscles of thetriceps over the course of the week and reach the ideal amount of frequency / volume.
Here are the relevant studies used to build this perfect tricep workout:
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27102172/
- https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6950543
- https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/abstract/2022/02000/muscle_failure_promotes_greater_muscle_hypertrophy.8.aspx
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/380851058_Resistance_training_beyond_momentary_failure_The_effects_of_lengthened_supersets_on_muscle_hypertrophy_in_the_gastrocnemius
- https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9935664
The PERFECT Triceps Workout - http://athleanx.com/x/perfect-triceps-workout-2025
Subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
If you are looking for a step-by-step workout program with a meal plan included, be sure to head over to athleanx.com and use the program selector to find the program that best matches your current training goal and ability levels.
For more videos on building muscle, make sure to subscribe to this channel here on YouTube and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.
Are you having trouble losing weight, even though you are on a diet? Well, the problem may be stemming from the fact that your diet has a name. Atkins, South Beach, Paleo, or whatever fad diet you can think of is just that; a fad.
See the problem with following a diet plan that has a name is that these diets are by nature a temporary fix to a lifestyle problem. They are not a long term fix for achieving permanent weight loss.
As soon as you say you are “on a diet”, then that means you will eventually “off” that diet. When that happens, you will soon see the weight you lost come right back.
Instead, I want you to find a long term, lifestyle change to your eating habits. Come up with a plan that you can stick to for the rest of your life as opposed to the next few weeks. If you do that, I promise that you will not only lose weight, but you will be able to keep it off forever as well.
After all, isn’t that the goal?
For more tips on losing body fat and how to eat to get lean, be sure to stay tuned to this channel and remember to subscribe so you never miss another video from a physical therapist with a pro sports background as a PT and strength coach.
You can subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
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For complete step-by-step workout programs, head on over to athleanx.com and make sure to use the program selector to find the training plan that is best suited to your personal goals.
Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
If you sit for any prolonged period of time, whether that’s in the office, on an airplane, or in the car; then you need to do these 5 stretches to instantly undo sitting and feel amazing in the process. In this video, I am going to show you a quick stretching routine that you can do all at the same time, or break it up throughout the day, in order to combat the effects of sitting for extended periods of time.
When you sit for a long time throughout the day, you will notice a few things start to get tight or underachieve. This includes the glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, lower back, and thoracic spine amongst other areas of the body.
In order to feel amazing, you are going to have to activate certain areas and stretch others. The 5 moves I am going to show you in this video will target these areas and unlock any tightness and activate dormant muscles and joints.
I like to call this stretch routine a simple 3x5. What that means is that you will be doing 3 repetitions for 5 seconds each.
The first stretch up in this stretching routine is a simple chair twist. Put your hands behind your head rotate your upper body to one side and reach for the ceiling with the opposite elbow and your chest. This will not only promote thoracic rotation, but will stretch out your lats and the muscles that run down your ribcage. These muscles are likely tight due to the common way we sit and have our arms in front of us.
So, following that 3x5 mentality, you will hold this rotated position for 5 seconds and return to the starting position before repeating two more times. Once you finish all 3 repetitions, perform the same stretch but rotating to the other side.
Next up is the seated pretzel. Our sitting position will also cause tightness in the hips and the low back. In order to stretch these areas out, simply cross one leg over the other, post one arm into the inside of your knee to push your crossed leg down further and reach forward and towards the ground in front of you. Hold this stretch for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 2 more times on this leg before doing the same thing with the other leg in order to stretch out both sides.
The third move up in this stretching routine to undo sitting is the wall slide. Simply stand up with your back against a wall, with your elbows bent at 90 degrees and the back of your hands and forearms against he wall. Simply slide your hands up the wall for 5 seconds, reaching as high as you can before returning to the start position. Again, do this 3 times. This will promote external rotation of the shoulders which will undo the internal rotation caused by our sitting position, likely due to having our arms in front of us typing on a keyboard.
The next stretch you will want to do will promote glute activation and stretch the hamstrings at the same time. Our bent knee position while sitting will cause tightness in the hamstrings, especially close to the knee joint. Sitting will also cause the glutes to be inactive, which isn’t good, because that can lead to low back pain and weakness.
Simply place your palms on the wall in front of you, with your legs extended back behind you. Bring one leg up towards the wall with your knee bent and hold this position for 5 seconds. Then, extend the same leg back behind you in the air and hold for 5 seconds. This motion will not only activate the glutes, but stretch the hamstrings as well. Do this for 3 repetitions and then repeat on the opposite side.
The last stretch in this stretching routine to combat the side effects of sitting will help to stretch the hip flexors. This area gets very tight when sitting due them being in a shortened position all day long. Simply get into a lunge position with the leg you are trying to stretch opposite the wall. Then, with one hand against the wall for balance, reach with the opposite arm up in the air and towards the wall. This will get a deeper stretch on those tight hip flexors.
Perform this stretch for 5 seconds on each repetition 3 times on each leg.
I promise that if you follow this stretch routine, you will not only start to undo the effects of sitting all day, but you will be feeling amazing and loose afterwards.
Undo Sitting Here - https://athleanx.com/x/undo-sitting
Subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
If you are looking for a complete workout routine and meal plan to compliment your flexibility and mobility routine, be sure to head to athleanx.com and check out the program selector tool. It will take you just minutes to find the exact plan that fits your current goals and will help you to build ripped athletic muscle quickly.
For more home stretching routines and the best stretches for your hips, back and shoulders be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube via the link above and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.
If you are looking for the right supplements to take when it comes to building muscle and supporting your efforts in the gym, there is one, outside of protein, that you should be taking…
And that is… creatine.
Now, creatine comes in many different molecular forms, but in terms of their efficacy on your training, are unaffected by the type. The two most popular forms of creatine are creatine monohydrate and creatine hydrochloride, otherwise known as creatine HCL.
There is a small percentage of people out there (roughly 10-15% of all users) that will experience gut discomfort from taking creatine monohydrate. For those that do experience stomach issues from monohydrate will find that they do not have the same discomforts when taking the buffered form of creatine, creatine HCL.
Neither form of creatine is more effective than the other and both share the same safety profile, the only discerning factors being taste and effective dosing.
Creatine monohydrate and creatine HCL differ in their taste profile in the sense that monohydrate is tasteless and can be mixed into anything without affecting any flavors. However, creatine HCL is extremely sour, doesn’t taste good and requires it to be mixed with something citrusy or sour itself in order to mask its own sour flavor.
The effective dose of creatine monohydrate in the human body is 5 grams per day. However, creatine HCL’s effective daily dose is only 2-3 grams due to an increased efficiency of the human body to process it.
So, while it doesn’t matter what form of creatine you prefer, it does matter than you are supplementing it into your diet to support your efforts in the gym because it is more than likely that you are not getting adequate amounts of creatine through your diet alone.
For more information on building muscle, nutrition, and supplements, be sure to stay tuned to this channel and remember to subscribe so you never miss another video from a physical therapist with a pro sports background as a PT and strength coach.
You can subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
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For complete step-by-step workout programs, head on over to athleanx.com and make sure to use the program selector to find the training plan that is best suited to your personal goals.
Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
Mistakes happen, but do you learn from them? In this video, Jeff Cavaliere from ATHLEAN-X breaks down the most common training mistakes that are holding back your muscle growth and strength gains—one muscle group at a time. If you're struggling to build size or keep getting injured, this might be why!
🔥 Timestamps & Key Takeaways:
0:00 - Intro (The #1 reason people don’t grow)
0:19 - Calves 🦵 (Stop bouncing, go heavy!)
2:04 - Biceps 💪 (Full extension is a MUST)
3:55 - Triceps 🔥 (Are you training the long head properly?)
6:18 - Legs 🏋️ (Twice a week training mistake)
8:22 - Chest 🏆 (Why incline pressing is a game-changer)
10:59 - Back 💥 (Pull-ups vs. lat pulldowns)
12:56 - Shoulders 🏋️ (Heavy pressing isn’t enough!)
15:12 - Abs/Core 📏 (You’re missing THIS for real strength)
17:04 - Forearms 🤜 (The underrated muscle group you NEED to train)
✅ Fix these mistakes, and you’ll unlock serious muscle growth while avoiding painful injuries!
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When it comes to pullups, there are mistakes you are making that are keeping you from doing more than you are right now. If you want to do more pullups, you’re going to want to try what I’m showing here in the video. Once you can identify the mistake and make the necessary change, your performance on the pullups will greatly improve.
Many people position themselves directly under the bar and simply pull straight up and down. This is not correct since it creates too much looseness in the upper body, particularly the scapula. In order to create the necessary rigidity in your upper body to transfer power and strength more effectively, you need to not just think about pulling down into the bar but pushing your body back and away a bit.
What this does is creates lat engagement in much the same way that doing a straight arm pushdown would. This will immediately put the forearms and biceps into a secondary role of driving the ascent and lets the lats, the more powerful of the muscles of the upper body, get front and center to do the job. Once you’ve done this right and felt what it is supposed to feel like, you’ll never do a pullup any other way.
For more tips on building muscle, be sure to stay tuned to this channel and remember to subscribe so you never miss another video from a physical therapist with a pro sports background as a PT and strength coach.
You can subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
Get Your Workout & Meal Plan:
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For complete step-by-step workout programs, head on over to athleanx.com and make sure to use the program selector to find the training plan that is best suited to your personal goals.
Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
When it comes to building taller, wider biceps; there’s something you need to know about training them. You see, the biceps is a two headed muscle. There is the inner, short head of the biceps which is responsible for the fullness and width of the biceps. Then, there is the outer, long head of the biceps which is more responsible for the biceps peak, or height.
If you want to recruit one of these heads more than the other, I would recommend that you look in the mirror when doing any of your curls. Why? Well, what you see, is what you train.
If the inside of your biceps are showing in the mirror more than the outside, you are influencing the short head of the biceps more effectively. The same goes for the outside of the biceps; this would mean you are doing the same thing, but for the long head instead.
Now, don’t think you can isolate one head of the biceps more than the other, as both heads will be targeted on any kind of curl. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t influence one more than the other and that comes down to how you train your biceps.
For more tips on building muscle, be sure to stay tuned to this channel and remember to subscribe so you never miss another video from a physical therapist with a pro sports background as a PT and strength coach.
You can subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
Get Your Workout & Meal Plan:
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👉 https://www.instagram.com/athleanx
For complete step-by-step workout programs, head on over to athleanx.com and make sure to use the program selector to find the training plan that is best suited to your personal goals.
Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
The dreaded dumbbell side bend. I hate this ab exercise. In fact, not only is it often misperformed by using a dumbbell in each hand or by leaning forward rather than strictly to the side and for a very limited range of motion, but it just isn’t the optimal way to train your lateral pillar strength. This can easily be done better with a side plank lift. When you drop the hips you are actually mirroring the same motion as in the side bend but with more control and stability without the excessive loading of the dumbbell.
Remember, you can't spot reduce body fat, especially with an exercise. Doing all the side bends in the world won't reduce your love handles. In fact, it all comes down to diet when you want to lower body fat and lose those pesky love handles once and for all.
For more tips on building muscle, be sure to stay tuned to this channel and remember to subscribe so you never miss another video from a physical therapist with a pro sports background as a PT and strength coach.
You can subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW
Get Your Workout & Meal Plan:
📝 https://www.athleanx.com
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👉 https://www.instagram.com/athleanx
For complete step-by-step workout programs, head on over to athleanx.com and make sure to use the program selector to find the training plan that is best suited to your personal goals.
Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
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