Welcome to ANIMAL WATCH - YouTube's most popular ALPHA DOG BREED & WOLF Channel with over 1 million followers We bring you exciting weekly shows specialising in exciting working & alpha dog breeds, as well as predators & canines, such as wolves, sharks and alligators. Fronted by TV host & wolf expert Anneka Svenska. Known as 'The Wolf Girl' for her viral videos of her interacting with wolves.
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100 years on intensive Show Breeding has RUINED some of the most popular dog breeds we know. From crippled backs, to crushed skulls and breathing problems.
Animal Watch examines the BEFORE and AFTER of popular dog breeds including:
Presented by Anneka Svenska
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Filmed by Ellen Hope Cobb
Edited by Ellen Hope Cobb
A GreenWorldTV Production
This film cannot be duplicated on other YouTube channels or other media platforms without written permission from GreenWorldTV
DISCLAIMER: "The primary purpose of 'Animal Watch' is to inform and educate. 'Animal Watch' is not responsible and does not independently verify for accuracy all of the claims and opinions expressed in the episodes. Episode content does not constitute generic or specific professional advice, endorsement or services. The views, information, or opinions expressed during [the] Animal Watch episodes are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other individual, agency, organisation or company."
#dogsbeforeandafter #beforeandafterselectivebreeding #dogs100yearsago #germanshepherd #englishbulldog #badbreeding #germanshepherd #poodle #englishbulldog #chowchow #boxerdog #bullterrier #englishbulldog #saluki #bassethound #dachshund #saintbernard #pug #frenchbulldog
This Guide could save your dogs life! I've teamed up with Dog Lifesaving Expert Aubrey of Bluebell Pet Care to teach you:
Thankyou to Aubrey - you can find her page here:
Presented by Anneka Svenska
Featuring Aubrey Oiler
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Anneka's website: http://www.annekasvenska.com
TikTok: @annekasvenskaofficial
Filmed by Ellen Hope Cobb
Edited by Ellen Hope Cobb
A GreenWorldTV Production
This film cannot be duplicated on other YouTube channels or other media platforms without written permission from GreenWorldTV
DISCLAIMER: "The primary purpose of 'Animal Watch' is to inform and educate. 'Animal Watch' is not responsible and does not independently verify for accuracy all of the claims and opinions expressed in the episodes. Episode content does not constitute generic or specific professional advice, endorsement or services. The views, information, or opinions expressed during [the] Animal Watch episodes are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other individual, agency, organisation or company."
#dogcpr #cpr #resuscitation #chestcompressions #dogfirstaid #dogdrowning #drowningdog #chokingdog #dogchoking #toxicfoods #toxicdogfood #toxicplants
The Ultimate Guide to the Chow Chow on YouTube. This episode is the A to Z of advice on caring for this dog with a reputation. He's fluffy and beautiful, but he's a temple guard dog and with this comes independence, aloofness, guarding ability and a desire for self respect. This episode will cover:
Standard and non standard colours
Buying a puppy
Tomorady Chows: http://www.tomoradykennels.co.uk/
Presented by Anneka Svenska
Featuring Rhiannon Sadler / Howard-Gash
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Anneka's website: http://www.annekasvenska.com
TikTok: @annekasvenskaofficial
Filmed by Ellen Hope Cobb
Edited by Ellen Hope Cobb
A GreenWorldTV Production
This film cannot be duplicated on other YouTube channels or other media platforms without written permission from GreenWorldTV
DISCLAIMER: "The primary purpose of 'Animal Watch' is to inform and educate. 'Animal Watch' is not responsible and does not independently verify for accuracy all of the claims and opinions expressed in the episodes. Episode content does not constitute generic or specific professional advice, endorsement or services. The views, information, or opinions expressed during [the] Animal Watch episodes are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other individual, agency, organisation or company."
#chowchow #chowchowpuppies #thechowchow #Sōngshīquǎn #松狮犬
Many modern day Cane Corso dogs are fat, unhealthy & bow backed. Some are mixed with Neapolitan Mastiffs to make them larger, but this is ruining the breed. Italian Antonio Palotta of Forte Cane Corsos claims to have the most authentic 'old type', 'working' Cane Corsos in the world that match every historical picture and document accurately. He says that modern day breeders have ruined the breed by increasing the size at the cost of losing workability. His dogs are fitter, faster, more powerful & will outwork and outlast other Cane Corso. Will you agree?
Forte Cane Corso:
Working K9 Canada: https://workingk9.ca/index.html
Presented by Anneka Svenska
Featuring Antony Pallota
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Anneka's website: http://www.annekasvenska.com
TikTok: @annekasvenskaofficial
Filmed by Ellen Hope Cobb
Edited by Ellen Hope Cobb
A GreenWorldTV Production
This film cannot be duplicated on other YouTube channels or other media platforms without written permission from GreenWorldTV
DISCLAIMER: "The primary purpose of 'Animal Watch' is to inform and educate. 'Animal Watch' is not responsible and does not independently verify for accuracy all of the claims and opinions expressed in the episodes. Episode content does not constitute generic or specific professional advice, endorsement or services. The views, information, or opinions expressed during [the] Animal Watch episodes are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other individual, agency, organisation or company."
#TheCaneCorso #CaneCorso #canecorsodog #nextdangerousdog
The Blue Wolf wishes you a Merry Christmas. Follow Ocean here https://www.youtube.com/@MyBlueWolf
Duplication and remixing is prohibited
#mybluewolf #bluewolf #bluewolfdog #wolf #wolves #wolfdog #Fenrir #VikingWolf #DireWolf @mybluewolf2212
Christmas is coming and The Christmas Witch is one of the most evil figures in Icelandic folklore, and horror stories about her are still told to children over the festive season. Throughout the year, it is said that she collects whispers about children around the island misbehaving, and when winter sets in, she sets out to gather them to dispatch them..She is a shapeshifter so can take the form of a beautiful girl if she chooses.
@Animal-Watch #wolf #wolves #wolfdog #bluewolf #bluewolfdog #Iceland #folklaw #krampus #Grýla #redonemovie #redone #christmas
Decoys get paid to be bitten by dogs, protection dogs, guard dogs, security dogs...It might look easy to the untrained eye, but its a PAINFUL profession resulting in scarring, severe nerve damage, arthritis, whip lash, wounds, gashes & sometimes disfiguring injuries. So why do it? Many decoys say its because they love it! However, many retire after 20 years as their bodies can't take it anymore. Animal Watch makes professional dog bites look easy, but today we will let you into a secret - the truth about 'Life as a Decoy' - top UK Decoy Nathaniel Lewis tells us everything, the good, the bad and the painful, about his experiences as decoying from the tender age of 11.
Thankyou to Nathaniel Lewis, you can find him here:
Presented by Anneka Svenska
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Anneka's website: http://www.annekasvenska.com
TikTok: @annekasvenskaofficial
Filmed by Max Paterson
Edited by Ellen Hope Cobb
A GreenWorldTV Production
This film cannot be duplicated on other YouTube channels or other media platforms without written permission from GreenWorldTV
DISCLAIMER: "The primary purpose of 'Animal Watch' is to inform and educate. 'Animal Watch' is not responsible and does not independently verify for accuracy all of the claims and opinions expressed in the episodes. Episode content does not constitute generic or specific professional advice, endorsement or services. The views, information, or opinions expressed during [the] Animal Watch episodes are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other individual, agency, organisation or company."
#decoy #decoys #protectiondog #protectiondogtraining #dogtrainer #guarddog
Large Wolf clearly dominates male. Captive wolves taken from the wild as young puppies are more dominant and aggressive to men in captivity than captive bred pure wolves. This is clearly seen here with a 3 year old male wolf belonging to Andre of @BlackCanadianWolf who tells me this is why the wolf is more dominant than normal. I will be interviewing Andre soon for @Animal-Watch to talk about how wild genetics affect temperament of wolves versus captive bred wolves. We will also be discussing why male wolves feel threatened more by men than women, as we discussed in a previous episode.
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The Belgian Malinois is considered to be the ultimate dog soldier. If Bond was a dog, he'd be a Malinois. So what if I told you that there is a Malinois that far surpasses other elite Malinois? Well...Meet Scarlett, considered to be one of the World's most perfectly trained military dogs. She's a classic, dainty, pure bred Malinois. Small enough to be carried by a soldier, parascending with ease and not bothered if hurled right into the action. Scarlett can do all of this, but wat makes her better than the rest? She can lay still for hours on command, a skill taught by top trainer Tony Pallota of Working K9 Canada. He believes that all Malinois should be taught to do this, in order to ease anxiety and stress. Many Malinois are so nervy that they can destroy houses and become nervy and even aggressive. His techniques of training turn out some of the happiest Malinois on planet earth and today we will show you how he does it...Oh...AND she can herd sheep..WOW!
Working K9 Canada: https://workingk9.ca/index.html
Presented by Anneka Svenska
Featuring Antony Pallota
Decoys Ru McCloskey & Chris Grixti
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Anneka's website: http://www.annekasvenska.com
TikTok: @annekasvenskaofficial
Filmed by Ellen Hope Cobb
Edited by Ellen Hope Cobb
A GreenWorldTV Production
This film cannot be duplicated on other YouTube channels or other media platforms without written permission from GreenWorldTV
DISCLAIMER: "The primary purpose of 'Animal Watch' is to inform and educate. 'Animal Watch' is not responsible and does not independently verify for accuracy all of the claims and opinions expressed in the episodes. Episode content does not constitute generic or specific professional advice, endorsement or services. The views, information, or opinions expressed during [the] Animal Watch episodes are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other individual, agency, organisation or company."
#belgianmalinois #malinois #policedog #militarydogs #protectiondog #thebeligianmalinois
The Borz Hund ('Not' the Canis Panther) is the newest, most exciting Guard Dog to enter the world of protection. Some people say 'Why not just stick with a Doberman or another established guarding breed?' Creator Kian tells us why his 'Borz Hund' was created as a healthier protection dog, based on the images and working ability of dogs of old (before breeders ruined them with overbreeding for size and looks, sacrificing health and performance) Today he challenges The Doberman breed and explains why his Borz Hund is a healthier alternative. He also explains the similarities and the differences between the two dog breeds. Which one do you like best and why?
We love the Doberman Pinscher here at Animal Watch and we still pitch him as one of the top 3 guard dogs in the world, so how can a Borz Hund beat this?
Subscribe @Animal-Watch
The Borz Hund: https://www.borzhund.com/
Best Of Both Worlds:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bestofbothworldsk9/?hl=en-gb
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annekasvenskaofficial/?hl=en
X: http://twitter.com/annekasvenska?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annekasvenskaofficial/?ref=bookmarks
Anneka's website: http://www.annekasvenska.com
TikTok: @annekasvenskaofficial
Presented By Anneka Svenska
Featuring Kian Rahmani Lashgari & Terese Taglang
Thankyou to Antionio Pallota & Ru McCloskey of Working K9 Canada
Filmed by Ellen Hope Cobb
Edited by Ellen Hope Cobb
Thankyou to
A GreenWorldTV Production
This film cannot be duplicated on other YouTube channels or other media platforms without written permission from GreenWorldTV
DISCLAIMER: "The primary purpose of 'Animal Watch' is to inform and educate. 'Animal Watch' is not responsible and does not independently verify for accuracy all of the claims and opinions expressed in the episodes. Episode content does not constitute generic or specific professional advice, endorsement or services. The views, information, or opinions expressed during [the] Animal Watch episodes are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other individual, agency, organisation or company."
#borzhund #borzhound #bandog #canispanther #canecorso #doberman #pitbull #xlbully #guarddog #protectiondog
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