The awesome cartoon in my icon was done by ANGRY AUSSIE T-SHIRTS You can get t-shirts on Zazzle and t-shirts are available also via RedBubble. Get them here: Stalk me on Twitter! Send me hate mail! GPO Box 3290 Melbourne 3001 Australia Because I get asked a lot: My main camera is a Sony HDR-CX700 Most of my editing is done on software called Corel Video Studio. The exception to the above is when I make movies with iMovie and the webcam on my MacBook. Any "comic" videos are done on my MacBook using the programs Photo Booth and Comic Life.
I've been out and about today so I'll be taking it easy tonight.
Dedicated to the stream's own super baby.
So many weirdos
Hoping to lure in some chuds with this theme
Safa said I had to commemorate this. I didn't have pizza today.
I'm not streaming naked. Or am I?
So many stories
The full story is more complicated than "Rosa Parks refused to move bus seats for a white person." It's worth looking up before trump removes her from history books.
On the morning of January 31, 2007, the Boston Police Department and the Boston Fire Department mistakenly identified battery-powered LED placards depicting the Mooninites, characters from the Adult Swim animated television series Aqua Teen Hunger Force, as improvised explosive devices (IEDs), leading to a massive panic.
Trouser snake, maybe.
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