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  • Category: Entertainment
  • Country: United States

Ampisound is a Parkour channel featuring the best Parkour content! POV, Cinematic edits, Analysis and Compilations! We also maintan a community presence with self-produced content on our YouTube Channel. We have been involved within the Parkour world since 2005, and shooting movement since 2007. The focus of Ampisound is to capture any and all forms of movement or action shots in an authentic and dynamic way. Its our priority to create content which truly displays the level of skill and talent that an athlete has developed throughout their practice. We’ve been first movers on a range of filmmaking techniques within the movement culture, and look to create new and exciting films.

parkour pov freerunning le parkour fail zombie gopro awesome roof jump

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Recent uploads from AMPISOUND

Speed Parkour Climbing POV
3 December 2023
Oddly Satisfying slow motion 🎥 👀 #ampisound #parkour #freerunning
27 September 2023
One Month In Japan to film our BIGGEST video ever!
15 September 2023
YAKUZA ESCAPE! Japan Parkour POV Chase
15 September 2023
This CANNOT go WRONG!! 😱 #ampisound #parkour #freerunning #parkourlife
5 September 2023
Just a friendly reminder to close your windows 👀😂 #ampisound #parkour #freerunning #climbing
4 September 2023
The NEW Assassins Creed game is looking more realistic 😱 #ampisound #parkour #freerunning #climbing
4 September 2023
Who’s the real Spider-Man? Shane or Harrison 🕷️ #parkour #freerunning #climbing #ampisound
1 September 2023
Was not expecting the front flip hanging tech at all! #parkour
15 April 2023
Atlanta Parkour POV 🇺🇸
8 April 2023

AMPISOUND Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does AMPISOUND have?
AMPISOUND has 3.2M subscribers. AMPISOUND has had 679.6M total views.
How many views does AMPISOUND get per video?
AMPISOUND gets 5.5M views per episode on average. AMPISOUND has published 124 videos.
How can I subscribe to the AMPISOUND YouTube channel?
You can visit the AMPISOUND YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when AMPISOUND mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does AMPISOUND belong to?
AMPISOUND belongs to the Entertainment category, and the creators are from United States.

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