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Welcome to my super badass closet. About five years ago, I filmed and published a wardrobe closet tour, so I thought I would do it again since I recently moved. Those following me on the Alpha Mpire channel know I finished my dream home. Although we're not ready for the home tour, I thought I'd show you my closet. This will be like a field trip because my closet holds only a third of my clothing. The majority of the clothing is at my office, so I'll give you a tour of that after this place.
One of the most incredible things about building a custom home is being able to design your closet. My wife and I knew we needed ample closet space, and she needed more than me because I have my office space. That's where the majority of my suits and casual clothing are stored. Also, the majority of my shoes are over there. So anyway, we got to choose all the details of our closets. Hers is bright, and mine's more masculine and dark. I like the dark wood. Another cool feature is choosing the lighting inside of the closet. Lighting up the shelves is a bit bougie but a nice detail. My closet was about hanging space and shelves compared to my old closet. I also needed some drawers to store socks and other items. Check out this video about a super secret thing that I keep in my drawers.
But I keep the shoes I wear most often in my closet at home. I have my running and other shoes, such as my Axel Arigato and Thursday Boots minimal sneakers. I also have some flip-flops and some boots. The majority of my boots are at my office, however. I have hats, but I don't wear them often because I feel like I look stupid because of my ears. I have a drawer full of beanies that I wear when I run. I also have some shelves for storing bags and stuff like that. One feature of my closet that I really like is a bench to sit on. My old closet had a stepping stool, which didn't look super great. This new bench has storage as well. I also have a shelf of nice clothes, sweaters, and bombers. I don't like to get shoulder nipples, especially with heavy jackets and sweaters, so I fold them. I've been digging a brand called Todd Snider, which caters to adult men and is not super young and trendy. It's more classic styles. To avoid shoulder nipples with my cardigans, I pulled them over a pant hanger and hung them over it. This helps to prevent distortion in the shoulder area. I also hang other sweaters like that. I'm a sucker for Lululemon workout pants. I also need to handle the disaster of my sweatshirts, long-sleeve henleys, suits, and other things. As you can tell, I like black and white T-shirts because they're easy, simple, and quick to wear. I have a section for my slacks as well as casual jackets. A lot of my puffer jackets are for running. I have a coat closet near the garage door. You'll see my proper jackets. You can upgrade your style with your jackets. One of my favorites is my Navy pea coat. It's functional but also looks fantastic. I have some fun jackets as well as a camel driving jacket.
You'll see the rest of my wardrobe over at my office. I'm able to grab what I need when I'm filming a video, which is pretty awesome. I organize my items using rolling racks. I also have shelves of grooming products. I routinely clean out and donate many of my items to charity. Make sure you can effectively and efficiently operate your wardrobe without chaos and clutter. If you don't wear or wear it for a year, it's time to donate it to charity.
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You don't have a goal. You need to have a clear direction for your life; without it, there's no way you'll move yourself in the right direction. You can't wait for success to fall out of the sky or knock on your door.
You shouldn't compare yourself to others. You may see your friends with good jobs who make over six figures, drive nice cars, and have a wife or a girlfriend. You may feel like a massive loser because you're not doing the same things as them, but this perception is dangerous and detrimental. It can prevent you from truly looking at yourself and realizing your own potential and dreams.
Comfort zones can also make us feel like we're wasting our lives. You need to get out of your comfort zone and grow. You can make the best decisions by being uncomfortable and having difficult times. Be willing to take risks and chances because they will ultimately pay off. Comfort breeds laziness, and it doesn't make you reach for anything. Work to better yourself and your financial situation.
Wasting time can make you feel like you're wasting your life. Don't waste your time on stupid stuff like looking at your phone and surfing aimlessly. Harness your time and be productive.
You may also feel like you're wasting your life because you're living your life for somebody else. Whether it's your parents, girlfriend, boyfriend, or whoever, if you're not living your own dream, you can feel like you're wasting your life. Be willing to upset other people to fulfill your destiny and dreams.
You can't wait for perfect timing. It doesn't exist. The right time is now if you truly want to do anything extraordinary. You do not wait.
So, how do you move yourself forward in the right direction? Be honest with yourself and audit your life. Know what's going on with your time, your most valuable asset, and how you're spending it. Have goals. Have one goal, not 20. Focus on one thing and do that one thing well. Focus your energy on your North Star, which nobody gets to decide. Whether starting a business, losing weight, getting a better job, getting married, or whatever, focus on that, and you will be successful. Educate yourself and get a mentor. Learn to move forward, whether joining Skillshare, the White Label Mpire, or hiring a coach. Don't get bogged down in learning, however. Just take action. Have a schedule. Be disciplined and be selfish with your time. It's impossible to wing success or a productive day. Have a daily plan, which is one of my secrets. I'm consistent and boring. In my 20s, I was self-destructive and wasted too much time and energy. Instead, focus so that you've got that discipline when you hit your 30s. Surround yourself with better friends. This can be hard because people think others are their 'ride or die.' Look for people who will facilitate the chapter in your life that contains your dreams. These people will get you into the right mindset to be successful. I had to break up with many friends I was hanging out with in my twenties because there was zero chance of success. Take action today. Action kills fear, and this is profound. You have to be able to be scared but also take action regardless. This separates the winners from the losers.
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How to identify a truly confident man
Confident men actively listen and are open to what you have to say. They want to know your opinion. Guys who are cocky and arrogant are dominating in the conversation and will talk down to you. They can be very self-centered and talk about themselves a lot.
A confident guy is humble. He's aware of his strengths and won't brag about them. Cocky and arrogant guys are boasting and trying to prove there's something. There's a vast difference between the two.
Actions speak louder than words, so you'll see a confident guy earning respect from results instead of a cocky guy who talks a big game.
Confident people are inclusive and lift others. Cocky people are trying to talk people down because it makes them feel superior and better about themselves.
Confident people are open to constructive feedback and criticism, whereas an arrogant person dismisses what they don't like that isn't positive about them. They say you're crazy or remove themselves from the situation. They can't look at themselves in the mirror.
Self-awareness is an indicator of whether a person is truly confident or not. Confident men are self-aware and know who they are, but they also know who they are not.
Confident people admit mistakes and when they are wrong. They can say they are sorry. A cocky person, on the other hand, does not ever acknowledge that they are wrong. They will always try to prove that they're right even when wrong. You can show them they're wrong and made a mistake, and they won't admit it. They'll continue to defend their position, trying to preserve their ego.
Arrogant people always try to build up their egos, which are self-serving and self-centered. Confident men are not all about their egos.
Gratitude is synonymous with confidence. Confident men are grateful for what they have and how they have gotten where they are. They give credit where credit is due to the people who have supported them. Conversely, arrogant people are about entitlement, feeling like they deserve special treatment and needing constant recognition.
How to develop true confidence
Start working out. It will change your life and perception of yourself. When you work out, you're taking care of yourself, changing your body, and changing your mind.
Dress well. When you take an active role and interest in looking fantastic, many things fall into place. Dressing well is about respect and letting the world know who you are and what you're about. If you don't respect yourself, you won't receive respect.
Set small measurable goals. You can string a few of these goals together and create successes. The more you succeed, the better off you will be, and the more confident you will grow.
Fail. In the moment, failure will make you feel insecure and scared. You may feel like a loser. But if you don't give up, you'll try again and realize you will do better. Failure is one of those things that will grow confidence. Embrace failure, which is part of the growth process and will help change your thinking.
Surround yourself with better people. You won't feel good about yourself if you're surrounded by losers or people who make you feel bad about yourself. You don't want to surround yourself with people who aren't going anywhere. You need to surround yourself with optimistic people who will increase your confidence. Unfortunately, we can't choose our family; sometimes, members may be negative or toxic. Except that is them, and move on. You need to protect yourself and surround yourself with your own tribe.
Learn to say no. It's a powerful word; I didn't learn how to use it until I was about 25. Learning to say no will help you stand up for yourself and take control of your life. It is difficult to start learning to say no, especially if you're a people-pleaser, but you must please yourself.
Help others. To level up your confidence and self-esteem, look for opportunities to help others.
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If you are still single and older than 25, stop and watch this. The information in this video can change your dating life. More men than ever are choosing to stay single for various reasons. Dating can be expensive, so staying single is cheaper. Men are working on their careers and want to focus on that to put themselves in a better position later in life. Men also have access to free p^rn and casual hookups. One day, these men will wake up and be the only one single. All the friends around them will start getting married and having kids. You'll be the guy they're trying to set up with their friends or cousins. It gets crazy, and you'll wonder what you're doing wrong.
There are three common reasons why guys are still single in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. First, they're not putting themselves out there. You can't be staying at home. You need to put yourself in a position to meet somebody. Dating apps are a recipe for disaster. The second reason is men can self-sabotage and be too picky or make excuses due to fear of rejection. Many guys lack the confidence to approach and talk to someone. Being alone and isolated doesn't allow you to push your boundaries and go outside your comfort zone. The third reason is that many guys lack options, and girls are not up to your standards because you may be average or not super attractive. You may consider them good enough for now but not long-term.
It's hard for men today to date due to unrealistic dating expectations. Due to social media and all the apps, they can make you feel worse. It's a trap that fills in the gaps. There's nothing like actually going out and engaging with people. The casual hookup culture is hurting our society and mentality. It also hurts your body, such as with STDs. Plus, you don't want to date somebody who's been with many other dudes. Social media has caused men to have unrealistic expectations. You see super happy couples who, in reality, aren't super happy. You think your relationship is supposed to look like that, but it's not reality. Reality is fights, issues, and dealing with reality.
If you want to attract more than chase, you must prioritize yourself. You can become unstoppable. You can attract high-quality, amazing women who aren't promiscuous by making yourself the prize. Take better care of your grooming, wear quality and stylish clothing, and ensure your oral hygiene is strong. You need to make a great first impression. Ensure your body language is strong, with good posture and a solid handshake. Look people in the eye. Take care of your body by going to the gym. Also, make sure your diet is under control. Stop doing self-destructive things like smoking and drinking excessive alcohol. Speaking of alcohol, always going to a bar and thinking you're going to meet that perfect person isn't going to happen. Have high-quality finances. Get them straight and together by having a job, not being lazy, and having a plan. Have actionable steps and a plan, not necessarily a Lambo. Just because people on social media are flashing a lot of cash and doing amazing things doesn't mean that's what she expects.
With these actionable steps, you need motivation and discipline. Have a strong purpose to succeed. Get out of your way and stop trying to chase. Being desperate and simping will make you look super unattractive and undesirable. Stop watching p^rn so you can become more motivated and excited. Let that sexual energy intention build.
No matter what society or your friends and family say, if you don't want to date somebody and don't think she's right for you, don't let anybody talk you into marrying them. Listen to your instincts if you're dating someone and they're not right for you. You don't want to waste time. Meet the person you should be with, and understand that relationships are hard.
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I'd also tell my 20-year-old self that the world rewards execution, not intention. Nobody cares about your potential; they care about results. So stop talking, partying, and wasting time because you need to set the foundation for the habits that will carry you into your 30s, 40s, and 50s. Motivation fades, but discipline lasts a lifetime. Many people stop working hard when results don't happen fast enough or instantaneously. They also get bored or lost and start looking for something else. So, a motivated and disciplined individual will stick with a plan and a routine, and this will win every time.
Your body will betray you if you don't take care of it. Time moves faster than you think, and you will blink and be 30 or 40 years old. Realize your reputation is more valuable than money, so don't do stupid things. Your credit score also matters, so you need to protect it. You also need to learn about and understand money. Don't be a fool.I would also tell the 20-year-old me that nobody is responsible for your happiness. You need to take control if you want to be happy. Therapy works, and I'm a huge advocate of it. It gives you tools to scale your life. Therapy was a pivotal point in my life, and everything improved. You deserve to be happy -- visit Better Help for 10% off your first month and get matched with a therapist who will listen and help you.
I would also tell my young self that comfort is the enemy of greatness. The easy road leads to mediocrity. You must be uncomfortable and willing to push yourself out of your comfort zone. When you do, magic happens. You will realize your potential not because you did what was expected or easy. Failure is inevitable, so get that off the table. Failure is part of the process; if you're not failing, that's a problem. Failure is one of the most incredible learning experiences you can have. Just make sure you pick yourself up and continue to move forward. Don't stay stagnant or in self-pity. You also cannot blame others for your mistakes. Nobody will save you, so if you want anything worthwhile in this world, you have to work for it. Don't try to fix problems in your life by self-medicating, either. Don't make bad decisions under the influence because you cannot go back. Make sure you take care of yourself.
Be a good person and focus on your character. Don't give pretty people a pass. Looks fade, but a person's character and integrity don't. Personal packaging and presentation are important, but nobody respects a weak man. Be strong physically, mentally, and emotionally. You can be sensitive and vulnerable without being weak. Remember that you only have three seconds to make an amazing first impression, so don't waste it. You're never going to get it back. Being young doesn't give you an excuse for being lazy or sloppy.
Take a second so you don't make emotional decisions that ultimately are bad. Take a logical approach to making hard decisions and allow the data to speak for itself. Realize that the internet is full of noise that you need to filter. Most of what you see online is garbage coming from people who are not the ones getting mentorship. Just because somebody has a lot of money or looks like they have a lot of money or has a hot girlfriend doesn't mean they know what's right for you. Realize that she does not expect you to be perfect—nobody does. You need to work on being the best version of yourself. When you fall, get yourself back up. Where you want to be right now, you'll get there if you keep working.
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I need a new car and was thinking about what to get. There are so many cars, and I'm getting a little bit older, so I realized that many cars will make you look older than you are. Sure, some vehicles are comfortable and reliable, but they make you look like an old man. There's a thin line between looking cool and like an older dude trying to prove something. I want to review a list of vehicles that make you look like a geezer.
When I think about what car to get, I'm slightly weird because I'm not a car guy. I've also gone through the whole ego buying with cars with my M4 and M850i. Sure, they looked good, but I didn't like those cars very much. I don't like cars that don't have a back seat, and I have a price point of under $65,000. Also, I don't want to look like a redneck or a lesbian.
When buying a car, realize that what you can afford is what you should be driving. My list doesn't mean that everybody should have one. You don't want to overextend yourself with a car trying to be cool. Whatever you can afford is the best for you as long as it's clean and smells good.
Toyota has done an incredible job retooling its sports utility vehicles. Their trucks, such as the new Sequoia, look fantastic. It's massive and awesome, aggressive, and super sexy. Also, I want to note that any German car is likely sexier than any American car. Here's my list of vehicles that make you look like an old man. Could you let me know if I missed vehicles that make you look like a geezer?
Buick. Any Buick is an old man's car.
Electric cars. You're not so worried about the environment or saving gas if you're a younger dude. You want something sexy and powerful that rips and roars.
Minivans. They're fantastic because they're roomy, spacious, and very practical. But stylish dudes probably aren't driving minivans.
Kia. It's not a bad car, and they've come a long way, but when I think of a dad car, I think of Kia.
Volvo. When I see these cars, I think of old dudes in soccer moms. They're not young and stylish.
Volkswagens. Some look great and are super fast, but most dudes that drive them are dads.
Hyundai is a brand that is not equated with young, stylish dudes. The Genesis line is amazing and beautiful, but it is definitely an old man's big sedan.
Big sedans with 4th rows. These cars scream that you have a big family and need lots of room.
Corvette. This one screams that you're an old dude with some extra money, your kids are finally out of the house, and your wife gave you the green light to treat yourself. These cars are old and redneck.
Ford. These scream old dude, except for the F-150 and F-250. These trucks are classy and masculine.
Toyota Corolla. If you're a guy driving this, you're probably a math teacher.
Honda Civic and Accord. These give the same vibe as the Toyota Corolla. They're reliable and will never break down, but these are not cars that a young, stylish, attractive dude drives.
Chevy. Sure, some of these look good, and many of the SUVs look fantastic and well done. They've upgraded the aesthetic, but I don't get a good vibe when I see a Chevy.
Range Rovers are complete shit.
Jaguar. They're not doing so well. Their latest commercial is not good marketing, and whoever created it should lose their job.
Cadillac. Some look super badass and amazing, but the smaller SUVs are not sexy.
Smaller SUVs. Cars like the RAV4, the CRV, and other crossovers are math teacher-looking. They also look like 16-year-old girls' first car.
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I'm reviewing my list of style items you must trash RIGHT NOW. And when I say trash, I mean donate them to charity. Be honest when going through your wardrobe and seeing what you have and need. If you don't like how it looks or fits or are just not into it, get rid of it. There's no reason to have it cluttering your wardrobe. Don't hang on to clothing too long. Use the hanger hack to help you purge for items beyond this list. Turn all your hangers the wrong way, and when you wear an item, turn the hanger the correct way. After a year, you know what you have worn and not. It's safe to eliminate what you haven't because it's been a year. You can operate a wardrobe more effectively and efficiently without chaos and clutter. Invest in items that are not trendy or flashy. Invest in high-quality items that fit you well or are tailored to fit you. This clothing will last you years and years, and you will look amazing. However, right now, ditch these ASAP:
Boat shoes
Distressed skinny jeans
Fedora type hats
Pointy boots
Dirty white sneakers
Baggy workout pants
Wife beater tank tops
Homemade tank tops
Discolored white shirts
Baggy suits
Boxy jackets
Synthetic fabric suits
Puddling pants
Anything striped
Weird graphic t-shirts
Immature t-shirts
Offensive t-shirts
Fun ties
Fun socks
Cheap necklaces
Leather cuffs
Weird rings
Weird accessories
Giant or small watches
Tech watches
Big belt buckles
Trendy belt buckles
Douchy shades
New Balance
Long shorts
Board shorts
Baggy shorts like cargo
Worn out underwear
Fun underwear
White underwear
Visible undershirts
Cheap shoes
Worn out shoes
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We are fat as a country, and the average American male has an average of 28% body fat. Think about that. It means that if you're 200 lb, you have 56 lb of body fat. If you're over 15%, you have a problem. Today, we're going to fix this. As a society, we're facing an obesity epidemic. If you're over 24% body fat as a man, you're obese. If you're over 20%, you're overweight, which is why 15% should be the goal for each and every one of us. The other reality is that most people underestimate how fat they are. We look at ourselves in the mirror, and maybe our pants are getting a bit tight. Over time, as we age, we don't control our diet and do the things we need to do. We'll start to gain weight as we age because our metabolism slows down.
Simple yet systematic choices are key. Body fat is more about the decisions we're making or not making. These decisions have a more significant impact than our biological clock. A mistake is chalking it up to a family history of being overweight, having a slow metabolism, or thyroid issues. Some guys think they're chubby dudes, but the problem is we have willpower issues. It's our responsibility and choice to be fat or overweight. Choices are a system of decisions made daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. This is what keeps us fat. Losing body fat is not using some mystical or magical formula. There are just basic choices that I will go over for you to implement. You can take control and reduce your body fat to look better, build confidence and self-esteem, and feel better about yourself. Everything in your life will get better. Here are the steps to getting to 15% body fat or lower
The first thing you need to do is stop blaming yourself and stop making excuses. Life is hard, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't prioritize yourself.
Next, prioritize yourself by being incredibly selfish about your diet and fitness. Find time and prioritize yourself because it won't work if you don't.
You need to know where you're starting from, so you need to get body fat calipers. Don't bother with the digital ones, as they don't work. The calipers will tell you exactly where to take the measurements, which three are a priority. Make sure you measure your chest, abs, and thigh. Love handles are a second. Write these down, and as you lose, you'll have a great visual representation in real time, millimeter by millimeter.
Also, hop on a scale so you know where you're starting from with your weight. The scale isn't necessarily the only way to tell what's happening with your body, so the body fat percentage is the most important. You'll know what's happening to your body fat and lean muscle mass with a simple calculation. Once a week, check and record your changes.
Take pictures of where you're starting. You can track your progress from images to the side, front, and back.
Calculate your basal metabolic rate, which is the number of calories you need to maintain your current body weight. It's a simple calculation:
Write down your meals to determine your daily calorie intake. You may discover sneaky calories that add up. This information will help you plan how much you need to eat.
Create a plan that includes workouts and diet. Check out the Alpha M Diet Plan: You can combine different foods throughout the day, but you cannot wing a healthy diet. You need to plan and prepare your meals and refrain from eating out.
Be consistent with working out and what you eat. You need to be building lifetime skills and habits. It doesn't take 6 months or a year to see significant differences -- just start. It's all a matter of choices, so choose to do better.
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Style. Looking good and dressing well as an adult or an older man gets more complicated. When you're younger, you can wear pretty much anything. But as you age, you can lose your style identity. You don't want to wear things that look too young, but you don't want to dress too old. You want to adopt an aesthetic that works regardless of your age and is timeless. Ensure you purchase closing that fit, and you're not paying attention to the latest trends. Build a capsule wardrobe that will work regardless of your age.
Being cool. When you're older, you don't feel as relevant or hip. You feel like you're out of touch, but you're just comfortable in your own skin and as a man. Whether you fit in or keep up with the latest trends doesn't matter. Focus on being a good person and who you are.
Health. It's harder to be healthy as you age. Much of the damage you did when you were younger will catch up with you. Body fat also is something that will catch up with you. Your metabolism slows, and you must stay active and focus on your diet. It gets harder to keep in shape as you get older, and you're not able to gain as much muscle as you used to because testosterone levels are lower. You'll have to work extra hard and be more diligent, just with discipline, to look the way that you want to look.
Time for yourself. You don't make as much time for yourself because you have obligations. You don't have time to stay healthy and go to the doctor. We may end up just burying our heads in the sand. Time is more complex to manage when you have more responsibilities.
Memory. This can be embarrassing and frustrating as you age. You may not be able to recall things as quickly. To stay sharp, use your brain as much as possible, eat healthy, consume omegas, and exercise.
Friendships. Communicating with friends gets more complicated as you transition from being younger. Everybody has their own life and goes their separate ways. Friends get married, have jobs, and have other friends. It's harder to stay in touch with the people that you love. But make them a priority and reconnect with them, as they are more important than they used to be as you age. Nobody's guaranteed tomorrow, and this puts things into perspective. When you're younger, you think you're invincible. But as you get older, you see friends getting sick or even dying. Life becomes more and more precious. It's imperative to connect with the people that you love.
Adapting to change. When you're younger, you're more flexible to change. As you get older, you're more set in your ways. People bring their life experiences with them, and often, it gets more and more challenging.
Energy. To combat declining energy levels, focus heavily on physical fitness and sleep. Ensure you're getting enough sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, you can gain weight, not look as good, and not feel as good.
Looking young. To enhance your appearance, take an active role in your skincare and oral care. Take care of yourself physically, and do not let it slide. It's difficult to undo the damage or neglect you did when you were younger. Take an active role immediately, lead a healthy lifestyle, and embrace healthy changes.
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