This is my first ever attempt at writing a song :) I'm kind of happy with how it turned out, so I hope you enjoy it as well, but criticism is welcome
The rest of the footage. I know that I didn't explore some areas so I'm definitely gonna come back to it at some point.
Hey everyone! Bit of a one-off today. Tril's Travels is a lesser known game that's one of my favourites, and I couldn't resist sharing this out of bounds glitch/easter egg.
The method was originally found by Simple-Basket3752 on reddit (I think?). The way I ended up doing it was a little different, and there were some areas he mentioned that weren't there for me. But basically, the essential things you have to do are:
- Do all the activities and collect all the items in the first area of the game. It's also worth noting that apparently collecting any items in the second area and beyond stops the glitch from happening.
- You have to read the book.
- Deposit the sewing needle in the X marked by green flowers behind the school.
- Then basically just follow the video after that. I tried passing through the skybox without going through the middle square, but I think it follows the camera so it's actually impossible.
So yeah. I did find more areas but they weren't particularly relevant to finding the glitch so I'm not including them. I also only explored for about 10 minutes and it seemed to go on for quite a bit. But if anyone wants, I'll share some more gameplay in the hidden area by posting it here/privately.
Support future videos like this on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/AlexEvett
I would like to thank my partner Mizsanity for helping with many of the builds seen in this video.
Hey everyone! In this video, we look at pretty much everything from the man Steve himself to the Observable Universe and beyond. Enjoy!
Music: 'Aria Math, but your Minecraft world is ending around you' - by Tumble40 on YouTube, based on 'Aria Math' originally composed by C418.
Made in Minecarft and Blender 3.6.1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/HarryEvett
This video is a visualisation of the speed of light, by beginning at the Sun and travelling about 1 light day through the Solar System at the speed of light. All objects and distances are to scale.
It should be noted that all objects in this video are at their average distance from the Sun. All objects orbiting the Sun have some degree of ellipsicity to their orbit (Earth's distance from the Sun varies by millions of kilometres), but some objects shown here, namely the dwarf planets and comets, are sometimes hundreds of millions of kilometres closer or farther away from the Sun than shown in this video. In fact, both Orcus and Pluto sometimes come closer to the Sun than Neptune.
This is also the speed of light from the perspective of a stationary observer. It is currently thought impossible for objects with mass to travel at lightspeed, and if it were to occur regardless, relativistic effects would render the journey instantaneous from the perspective of the traveller.
Track 1 - 'The Goldbach Conjecture' by Savfk
Track 2 - 'Great Beauty' by Savfk
Track 3 - 'The Bathtub' by Savfk
00:00 - Introduction
00:23 - The Journey Begins
03:30 - Mercury
06:19 - Venus
08:39 - Earth
13:10 - Mars
20:16 - Vesta
23:48 - Ceres
27:00 - Hygeia
44:25 - Jupiter
1:21:20 - Saturn
2:30:37 - Halley's Comet
2:42:22 - Uranus
4:13:58 - Neptune
5:30:50 - Orcus
5:34:35 - Pluto
6:06:01 - Haumea
6:11:56 - Quaoar
6:27:51 - Makemake
9:34:44 - Gonggong
9:37:52 - Eris
18:41:56 - Voyager 2
22:28:27 - Voyager 1
24:49:26 - Comet Hale-Bopp
24:49:49 - What's Next?
24:50:33 - Special Thanks
Made with Blender 3.0
Hey everyone! This channel is usually size comparisons but I thought it might be interesting to do a mass comparison of the Universe. This video is also the first I've rendered in realtime, so let me know what you think!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HarryEvett
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJ6uF8nhv8Y
Made with Blender 3.0
STORE || https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/TharsusPrints
All measurements represent diameter.
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4qCu2zRrlo
Made with Blender 3.0
1. Hygiea - One of the smallest known possible dwarf planets, located within the asteroid belt.
2. Orcus - A trans-Neptunian object with a moon almost half its size.
3. Ceres - The largest object in the asteroid belt, and was widely considered a planet until the 1860s.
4. Sedna - Sedna is a red dwarf planet, with an aphelion of 937 AU and a perihelion of only 76 AU.
5. WD 1145+017 b - This planet orbits a white dwarf and is being slowly being vaporised by the star.
6. Haumea - Haumea is shaped like an egg because of its fast spin, giving it only a 4 hour day.
7. Eris - Eris is slightly more massive than its neighbour Pluto, but slightly smaller in size.
8. Pluto - Pluto was the first trans-Neptunian dwarf planet to be discovered.
9. Draugr - Draugr orbits a pulsar and is only twice as massive as the Moon. Its size is speculative.
10. Kepler-37b - As of yet the smallest known planet orbiting a main sequence star.
11. Mercury - Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, completing one orbit in just 88 days.
12. Mars - Mars contains both the largest volcano and the largest canyon in the Solar System.
13. TRAPPIST-1e - the TRAPPIST-1 system contains 7 planets, 3 of which are in the star's habitable zone.
14. Venus - Along with Titan and Earth, Venus is one of the only planets of the Solar System with a substantial atmosphere.
15. Earth - It is theorised that intelligent life may exist on this planet's surface, though unlikely.
16. Proxima b - Proxima b is part of the closest star system to Earth, at only 4.25 light years away.
17. Kepler-186f - The first earth-sized planet discovered in the habitable zone of its parent star.
18. Phobetor - The first exoplanet discovered alongside Poltergeist. Both planets orbit a pulsar.
19. 55 Cancri e - Aprroximately 1 third of this planet may be composed of diamond.
20. Kepler-22b - It is possible that Kepler-22b has a global ocean, or possibly a thick gaseous other shell.
21. TOI-849 b - This planet's year is only 18 hours. If rocky, it is the largest known terrestrial planet.
22. Neptune - Neptune is the densest gas planet in the Solar System, and is more massive than Uranus.
23. Uranus - Uranus, while appearing bland and featureless itself, actually has 13 known rings.
24. Saturn - Saturn spins so fast that it has a 10% oblateness, flattening it at the poles.
25. Jupiter - Jupiter has 2.5 times the mass of all the other Solar System's planets combined.
26. COCONUTS-2b - This planet takes over a million years to orbit its parent star.
27. SWEEPS-11 - The most distant known exoplanet along with SWEEPS-04), 27,710 light years away.
28. SIMP J013656.5+093347 - A lonely planet with no star, called a rogue planet, though it may be a brown dwarf.
29. TrES-2b - The darkest known exoplanet, and reflects about 0.04% of the light that hits it.
30. KELT-9b - The hottest known planet, at an estimated temperature of 4000 degrees Celsius.
31. HAT-P-67 b - The largest known planet that is definitely not a brown dwarf..
32. TYC 8998-760-1 b - This planet is only around 17 million years old, as opposed to the Earth's 4.5 billion.
33. HD 100546 b - The higher bound measurement of the planet. It is not likely that HD 100546 b will remain this apparently big, as it is probably in the early stages of formation and is surrounded by debris.
34. J1407b Ring System - This ring system is 640 times as wide as Saturn's, and may contain moons similar in size to Earth.
All the examples here are approximate, and just an example of something whos mass is within that order of magnitude.
Small version coming soon! Probably!
Hey everyone! This video is a remaster of Universe Size Comparison 3D, which was uploaded about 5 years ago. I wanted to remake the video with improved graphics after all these years. Many people don't know that I made the original one on a barely working laptop when I was 14 (and had to render outside because it kept overheating!) so despite the video's success, there were still a number of factual and graphical errors. This video is intended to fix those, and will probably be my final addition to the Universe Size Comparison series, as I don't see any real way I can bring anything new to it anymore, and I'd like to work on some other projects. Enjoy!
All measurements represent diameter. The mass (and thus size) of the Phoenix A central black hole is quite uncertain at this point in time, so the size shown here represents the upper bound of current estimates.
Music: 'Get Back Up' by Silent Partner
Made with Blender 3.0
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