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Alec Steele
  • Category: Entertainment
  • Country: United Kingdom

My name's Alec Steele and here you'll find weekly videos documenting the process of building some awesome projects here in the shop. As a blacksmith, most of the projects start as lumps of steel, or stacks of different alloys for making damascus, that I forge out into blades, sculpture, art or tools before taking the project to the machining equipment or into the grinding room for finishing. Each project teaches me a lot and stretches the bounds of my knowledge. I make a lot of mistakes but they serve as an excellent teacher. There's always something important for me to learn in the shop! I want my work to be the spark that ignites the desire for you to get into your shop (or kitchen/basement/garage) and make something too! Whether it's stitching a leather wallet or forging a giant sword, you'll love the creative process. Be sure to follow me on instagram @alecsteele for behind the scenes and grab some awesome products at Thanks! Alec

Alec Steele Blacksmith learn blacksmithing how to forge blacksmithing anvil bladesmith forged in fire making maker

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How many subscribers does Alec Steele have?
Alec Steele has 2.7M subscribers. Alec Steele has had 530.6M total views.
How many views does Alec Steele get per video?
Alec Steele gets 463.4K views per episode on average. Alec Steele has published 1.1K videos.
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You can visit the Alec Steele YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Alec Steele mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Alec Steele belong to?
Alec Steele belongs to the Entertainment category, and the creators are from United Kingdom.

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