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  • Category: News and Politics
  • Country: United States

Welcome to the channel "So, News!". Here you will find all the latest news in the most compressed format of shorts. You will not miss the main events of the world and it will not be boring for you. Fast, convenient and understandable - an ideal option for those who want to be aware of what is happening, but do not have much time to read the news for a long time. Subscribe to my channel and stay up to date with the latest developments!

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How many subscribers does SO, NEWS! have?
SO, NEWS! has 670.0K subscribers. SO, NEWS! has had 961.7M total views.
How many views does SO, NEWS! get per video?
SO, NEWS! gets 1.2M views per episode on average. SO, NEWS! has published 794 videos.
How can I subscribe to the SO, NEWS! YouTube channel?
You can visit the SO, NEWS! YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when SO, NEWS! mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does SO, NEWS! belong to?
SO, NEWS! belongs to the News and Politics category, and the creators are from United States.

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